Saturday, September 27, 2008

Almost Done

Time has passed so quickly, I am getting all geared up to travel back to USA. It has been an uneventful deployment in regards to combat, but it has been life changing in regards to my family. In the last 6 months God has been opening my eyes to the unproportional amount I was giving compared to what I was recieving from the relationship. I was giving faithful loving support and getting drained of every positive emotion.

Oh well, live and learn, right? I guess I could go into the painful nuts and bolts, but summing it up as I have will have to suffice. I will be coming home to single parenthood. Setting up the house and the rules the way I want them to be. I will be making all the decisions in regard to my destiny. I have a lot going for me and not much slowing me down so I am very positive about this transition. I have paid my dues to Iraq.

I look forward to going to my church again. I look forward to making new friends and investing my life in the things that I like. I look forward to simple things like a hug, a relaxed talk while reclining on furniture, feeling winter, looking into a woman's eyes, taking a shower anytime I want, being able to go to my bathroom naked, doing my own laundry, wearing clothes that don't hide me, talking to a friend face to face, walking on grass, running on grass, wrestling in grass, fast internet, seeing my children again, playing with my children, hugging the stuffing out of my children, kissing my daughter's cheek, giving piggy back rides, showing my son how to be a man, talking with my dad while fishing, and feeling America beneath my feet.

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